Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pictures - arranged or deranged?

I finally got around to hanging all my framed family pictures back on the hallway ways after painting the walls over a year ago. So, I thought I would take this opportunity to be a little more organized this time around, rather than hanging them up all willy-nilly. I hung them arranged by frame style, in neat rows and columns. Then I stepped back and looked at it. It looked totally deranged, like it had been decorated by Adrian Monk, completely OCD. And I realized that there is such as thing as too orderly. I fixed it. I rearranged the pictures in a rather haphazard manner and viola, it looked better. At least, it didn't look like a cry for pharmaceutical intervention. So, come see my hallway. Don't bring a ruler.

Oh, now for something completely different, my co-worker/supervisor, Beth awarded me the "Best Comment of 2009" selected from all the comments entered into our versioning system for the following entry:

Fixed unterminated string in vendor.css file that made IE fuss and produced a bizarre telefonica/leapdrive frankinstein-style hybrid. Not pretty.

I do love my job. I wonder if the award comes with a cookie?

1 comment:

DoctorSally said...

Congratulations on the "Best Comment" award. Didn't understand a word of it though.