Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

1. Finish knitting my first sweater. (Almost done.) And no new yarn till my other works in progress are done.
2. Eat more ethically. That means reducing the amount of plastic my food is wrapped in, buying locally and fair-trade whenever possible, finishing leftovers instead of letting them spoil.
3. Exercise. 2009 was the year of not exercising very much. I resolve to turn that around, maybe even rejoin a martial arts program.
4. Record my harp playing. I bought that fancy, smancy harp mike last year and failed to do anything with it. This is the year!
5. No more Starbucks. I was just a little bit addicted. I will still get lattes, but I will have to go out of my way to get them from locally owned businesses.
6. Do the garden right this year. No more planting seeds, ignoring them and then hoping for the best. No more tomato plants raging completely out of control. No sir! I'm going to keep that garden military-style ship shape.
7. Learn to make applesauce and can tomatoes. Well, I'll need to do something with all those apples and tomatoes.

OK, wish me luck!


Jeff Kubina said...

Ok, good luck my love!

DoctorSally said...

Impressive list. Good luck with that. Let me know how you are doing.