Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jeff - 12, Skating Rink - 1

Today was just pretty darn wonderful. One of the highlights was Caitlin's gullibility. It started when Jeff complained that one of his ears was hurting near the outer ear. I asked Caitlin to get the flashlight to I could take a look. As I turned it on and directed it to Jeff's ear, he says to Caitlin "Look in the other ear and you'll see the light come out the other side." She shouted "COOL!" and peered in the opposite ear. Jeff and I were in stitches!
Then we went to the local gym that we finally decided to join. We get in the indoor pool and Caitlin's lips immediately turn blue. It was plenty warm for doing laps, but it was turning Caitlin into a popsicle. So, we took her and Gwen to KidSpace, the attended playroom for the kids. They wanted to play for a while but Jeff and I had not brought any gym clothes. We thought we were going to be swimming for a while. Since it was our first day there, we took ourselves on a little tour and ended up in the skating rink. Despite having NEVER skated before, Jeff was up for it. We rented skates in the most eye-searing color you can imagine, proof against skate-lifting I'm sure, and headed for the hard-wood. Jeff wibbled and wobbled and managed to make it around the rink at least a dozen times, only going down once. It was actually great fun. We had a blast.
That done, we took the kids home and washed up just in time for the babysitter to come over. We were having dinner with friends at a restaurant that hasn't made up its mind whether it want to be "India Delight" or "Royal Taj". Despite its indecision, it was fabulous food and I finally got to meet the man Jeff has been working with so much, John Conroy. He is clearly one of the smartest people out there, but he and his wife, Julie, were absolutely charming and easy to get to know. We had a wonderful time.
Now we've tucked the children in bed and I've got a lemon bread baking in the oven. Sadly, it isn't for me, but for the African-American Read-In volunteers who are donating their time to the girls school tomorrow. But I can enjoy the scent of it baking!

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