Sunday, December 7, 2008

Party Time

We have had quite a fabulous weekend.
Friday night, Jeff and I went to the Digi-Data Christmas Party.  My company really knows how to throw a party.  It was held in the Savage Historic Manor House, and the catering was excellent.  (The stuffed mushrooms were my personal favorite.)   It was really nice to be able to talk with my co-workers outside of work.  Ken Willis, in particular, shared some fascinating stories from the early days of computing.  Geoff and Helen told us of their many travel adventures including a somewhat perilous trip up an Mexican pyramid.  And I finally met Geoff Martin's wife, Jocelyn, a high-school English teacher. (Brave, brave woman!)
After the meal was over, the dancing began.  Frankly, I have to say,  I work with the coolest people.  Almost everyone got up and danced.  Ralph's wife Tracey danced practically every song.  The dance trophy, though, must go to Ken.  He's got knee trouble, is a grandfather, and still, he out-danced everyone there, putting even the youngsters to shame.  He had the moves and wasn't afraid to get out there and dance.  Tracey and I got to dance to "The Twist" with him, and Jeff got a great photograph of it.  
Then Saturday, we took the Blueberry Girls up to the Waldorf School of Baltimore's Winter Festival.  They had a marvelous time.  We got to see a beautiful marionette show: the Golden Slipper, a Cinderella tale from Vietnam.  Then the girls went on the Winter Walk through a classroom that had been transformed into a Winter Wonderland.  The girls heard a short story/poem from the "Winter Queen" and received a quartz crystal representing ice.  Then they went "fishing" for a little prize.   Caitlin made a handprint - a peace print, and Gwen made a jump rope from yarn.  It has been quite the popular toy.   
One of the things the Waldorf school is known for is its emphasis on the arts.  This was strongly in evidence at the school.  The student art on the walls was very impressive.  The room where the marionette show took place was painted in a gradual rainbow of pastel colors.  The winter wonderland was just amazing!  It really looked like an outdoor winter scene.  There were musical performances that, unfortunately, we didn't catch, but many of them were by parents and alumi.  The school really planted the seeds of an artistic life.
Now, this morning, we are having Dave, Judy, Ben and Erin up for a brunch.  That is always a hoot.  Jeff is experimenting with a new waffle recipe and I'm stick with my classic Frittata dish.  
Afterwards the girls have a Nutcracker performance at the Fairhaven retirement home.   

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