Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh what fun it is to ...

Gwen and I just had the best sword fight EVER.  With a used wrapping paper cardboard tube.  We were laughing so hard, neither of us could breathe.  And those tubes just make the best sound when they hit things.  Unfortunately, the cardboard tube did not not have as much fun, and is now in several pieces in the recycling bin.
This evening's spontaneous festivities have caused me to stop and ponder why I spent $$$$ on store bought toys for Christmas, when stuff like this is always the most fun.  Seriously.  We have more toys than we know what to do with, but do you know what the girls can't walk past without getting really excited?  A white-headed dandelion.  Not kidding.   And lately, the toy of choice in our house has been a very low-tech jumprope.  No lights, no sounds, no batteries, a made-of-yarn-at-a-school-festival jump rope.  Also on their list of awesome toys, the hand-made quilt they are using as an invisibility cloak.  For hours, HOURS.  And they are never tired of it.  This very evening, Caitlin, in a dead-serious voice, warned me not to touch her really super cool small gray pebbles.  Fisher-Price, eat your heart out.

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