I signed Gwen and Caitlin up for a kid's yoga class. Caitlin can't wait. She is ready to go. Check out her downward dog:

I'm not sure what this one is called, but it looks fun. Gwen hasn't quite worked up any enthusiasm for the idea, but I hope she likes it.

We just call it superman in my yoga class. Yes, we have a yoga class here at Bagram. We also do partner yoga at the end of the class which actually sounds rather strange, but it is the best back stretch I've ever had.
Thanks for filling me in on the name, Sally. Their first class is tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.
We used to do partner stretching in Tae Kwon Do, and you can really get a good deep stretch that way. I've got to get back into martial arts. I miss it so much.
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