Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blizzard of aught-10

We are totally, deeply, buried in snow. That isn't to say we haven't been having fun. Check out these pictures!
Here's our street!

When I suggested to Gwen that she put on her snowsuit and go have fun she said, "It's cold, Mom!". Can I argue with that? No.
But Caitlin was ready to go. She had a blast in the snow.

To fully appreciate this picture, notice that Caitlin has on a complete snowsuit, whereas Jeff is just wearing jeans and has been working in the snow for the past hour.

So we stayed cozy inside and did a lot of cooking.

BTW, Gwen took this photo. Pretty good, yes?

1 comment:

DoctorSally said...

Love the pictures. THe one of Jeff and Caitlin reminds me of several years back when I was tugging Gwen through the snow. I think I was more appropriately dressed than Jeff, though. Hope you guys are enjoying the hot chocolate. Miss you much!