Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Green Report:

For my birthday I asked my family to give me an unusual gift. I asked them to try to do something extra to be kind to the earth and note it on my facebook page. My awesome sisterSarah Weinel has already started.

However, one of the lessons that I really took home from my Tae Kwon Do training was to always lead by example. So, before I ask anyone else to go that extra mile to be eco-friendly, I have to do it myself. I'm going to hold myself accountable and give me own green report on my facebook page, too.

Here's my Green report for today:
I packed a breakfast to take to work in reusable plastic-free containers, nothing disposable here.

I weeded my garden and reseeded my beets, spinach, cilantro and swiss chard.
For lunch I ate an omelette of organic/cage-free/local eggs with tomatoes and swiss chard from the garden.

I started drying some basil from the garden to use over the winter.

I soaked the black beans for tomorrow night's dinner. The beans are organic and from the bulk bins at MOMs market. Instead of plastic bags, I brought mason jars from home and filled them at the store. So, I have plastic-free, BPA-lined-can-free black beans.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is it a musical?

The original plan was for me to take Gwen to Tae Kwon Do tonight and for Jeff to take Caitlin to see a live theatre performance of Mulan at her school.  Just before dinner, Jeff seemed to pause in mid-step and reconsider the plan.  "Is this going to be a musical?" he asks suspiciously.  I don't know too much about this performance, but given that I love all the songs in the Disney movie version, I answered "probably."  So, here's the new plan: I take Caitlin to go see Mulan and Jeff takes Gwen to Tae Kwon Do.